Audition Taping: Tips for self-taping auditions and creating high-quality audition tapes.

2 - Acting & Modeling

This lesson is your comprehensive guide to creating compelling self-tape auditions that capture the essence of your talent. We'll navigate through setting up the perfect space, selecting the right equipment, and honing your performance to ensure every self-tape you send out is a testament to your skill and dedication.

1. Introduction

  • The shift towards self-taping in auditions and its global relevance

2. Why Self-Tape?

  • Advantages of self-tape auditions in the modern industry
  • How self-taping opens global opportunities and enhances creative control

3. Preparing for Your Self-Tape

  • Importance of creating a professional audition space
  • Selecting an appropriate and quiet location
  • Lighting and background considerations for optimal visual quality
  • Camera placement and audio setup for clear and professional results

4. Essential Gear for Self-Tape Auditions

  • Overview of necessary equipment without breaking the bank
  • Camera options: Smartphone, digital camera, or webcam
  • Audio enhancements with different microphones
  • Importance of a stable setup: Tripods and DIY alternatives
  • Lighting solutions for a flattering and clear video

5. Creating a Professional Audition Space

  • How to set up a conducive environment for self-taping
  • Tips for achieving the best lighting and sound in your space
  • Selecting and arranging props and wardrobe for character authenticity

6. Script and Character Preparation

  • Deep diving into script analysis for a convincing performance
  • Memorizing lines and understanding character motivations
  • Rehearsal strategies to explore different interpretations of the script

7. Recording Your Self-Tape

  • Framing and positioning for an engaging shot
  • Conducting multiple takes to capture the best performance
  • Including a professional slate at the beginning of your tape

8. Post-Recording: Editing and Finalizing Your Tape

  • Basic editing tips to enhance video and audio quality
  • Trimming unnecessary footage for a concise and focused audition
  • Reviewing and selecting the best take for submission

9. Submission Guidelines and Tips

  • Understanding specific requirements of casting calls
  • File formatting, naming, and size considerations
  • The importance of following submission instructions precisely


Audition Space Set-Up Challenge


To create an optimal recording environment for self-tape auditions.


  • Choose a location in your home or space as your audition area.Set up the area considering the guidelines: quietness, lighting, neutral background, and camera placement.
  • Take a photo of your setup and describe why you chose the specific elements (lighting, background, etc.).

Lighting and Sound Test


To understand the importance of proper lighting and sound in enhancing audition tapes.


  • Record a short monologue or dialogue piece using different lighting sources (natural, artificial, combination).Record the same piece using different audio setups (built-in mic, external mic).
  • Review and note which combinations work best for clarity and presentation.

Gear Exploration


To familiarize yourself with the equipment used for self-tape auditions.


  • If possible, gather various recording devices (phone, camera, webcam) and microphones (built-in, lapel, shotgun).
  • Record a brief introduction using each device/microphone setup.Review and compare the quality, ease of use, and overall result.

Monologue Recording and Review


To practice and refine the process of recording audition tapes.


  • Select and prepare a monologue suitable for your type and goals.Record multiple takes, experimenting with different performance choices.
  • Review your takes, select the best one, and note what worked and what could be improved.

Slate Creation and Presentation


To understand and practice the professional way of introducing yourself in audition tapes.


  • Record a slate stating your name, age (optional), and the role you're auditioning for.
  • Ensure the slate is clear, concise, and professional.Review and critique your presentation, demeanor, and clarity.

Submission Protocol Role-Play


Understand and practice the etiquette and requirements of submitting audition tapes.

Instructions: Recording Your Audition Tape:

Record a 1-2 minute monologue or scene relevant to your acting type or modeling presence. Ensure the recording follows all the guidelines discussed in the course, including lighting, sound, framing, and performance.

Editing Your Audition Tape:

Use basic video editing software to trim the beginning and end of your tape, ensuring a clean start and finish.If necessary, adjust the audio levels and lighting for a clear and professional look.Add a title slate at the beginning of your video with your name, the role you're auditioning for, and the date.

Exporting Your Video:

Export your video in the required file format and quality (see requirements below).Name your file according to the specified naming convention (see requirements below).Check the final video file size to ensure it meets the submission guidelines.Preparing Your Submission Email:

Draft an email to the casting director/agent (staff from StardomU - as if you are submitting your audition. Include a brief and professional message stating your intent, the role you're auditioning for, and any other relevant details or questions.Attach your audition video following the file requirements and any additional requested documents like a headshot or resume.

Requirements:Video File Format:

Preferred format: MP4 or MOV.

Resolution: 1080p or 720p.Frame rate: 24fps or 30fps

.File Naming Convention:

Name the file with the following structure: "RoleName_YourName_Date"Example: "Romeo_JohnDoe_20230115"

File Size:

Keep the file size under 100MB. If the file is too large, consider using a video compressor or lower the bitrate without compromising quality too much.Email Subject Line:

Use the following structure: "Audition Submission: [Role Name] - [Your Name]"Example: "Audition Submission: Romeo - John Doe"Email Body:

Greet the recipient professionally. Briefly introduce yourself and state the purpose of the email.Mention the role you are auditioning for and any other relevant information about the audition or your submission.Thank the recipient for considering your audition and provide your contact information for further communication.Sign off professionally.Additional Documents:

Attach a headshot with the file named "YourName_Headshot"

About this lesson

This lesson is your comprehensive guide to creating compelling self-tape auditions that capture the essence of your talent. We'll navigate through setting up the perfect space, selecting the right equipment, and honing your performance to ensure every self-tape you send out is a testament to your skill and dedication.

1. Introduction

  • The shift towards self-taping in auditions and its global relevance

2. Why Self-Tape?

  • Advantages of self-tape auditions in the modern industry
  • How self-taping opens global opportunities and enhances creative control

3. Preparing for Your Self-Tape

  • Importance of creating a professional audition space
  • Selecting an appropriate and quiet location
  • Lighting and background considerations for optimal visual quality
  • Camera placement and audio setup for clear and professional results

4. Essential Gear for Self-Tape Auditions

  • Overview of necessary equipment without breaking the bank
  • Camera options: Smartphone, digital camera, or webcam
  • Audio enhancements with different microphones
  • Importance of a stable setup: Tripods and DIY alternatives
  • Lighting solutions for a flattering and clear video

5. Creating a Professional Audition Space

  • How to set up a conducive environment for self-taping
  • Tips for achieving the best lighting and sound in your space
  • Selecting and arranging props and wardrobe for character authenticity

6. Script and Character Preparation

  • Deep diving into script analysis for a convincing performance
  • Memorizing lines and understanding character motivations
  • Rehearsal strategies to explore different interpretations of the script

7. Recording Your Self-Tape

  • Framing and positioning for an engaging shot
  • Conducting multiple takes to capture the best performance
  • Including a professional slate at the beginning of your tape

8. Post-Recording: Editing and Finalizing Your Tape

  • Basic editing tips to enhance video and audio quality
  • Trimming unnecessary footage for a concise and focused audition
  • Reviewing and selecting the best take for submission

9. Submission Guidelines and Tips

  • Understanding specific requirements of casting calls
  • File formatting, naming, and size considerations
  • The importance of following submission instructions precisely


Audition Space Set-Up Challenge


To create an optimal recording environment for self-tape auditions.


  • Choose a location in your home or space as your audition area.Set up the area considering the guidelines: quietness, lighting, neutral background, and camera placement.
  • Take a photo of your setup and describe why you chose the specific elements (lighting, background, etc.).

Lighting and Sound Test


To understand the importance of proper lighting and sound in enhancing audition tapes.


  • Record a short monologue or dialogue piece using different lighting sources (natural, artificial, combination).Record the same piece using different audio setups (built-in mic, external mic).
  • Review and note which combinations work best for clarity and presentation.

Gear Exploration


To familiarize yourself with the equipment used for self-tape auditions.


  • If possible, gather various recording devices (phone, camera, webcam) and microphones (built-in, lapel, shotgun).
  • Record a brief introduction using each device/microphone setup.Review and compare the quality, ease of use, and overall result.

Monologue Recording and Review


To practice and refine the process of recording audition tapes.


  • Select and prepare a monologue suitable for your type and goals.Record multiple takes, experimenting with different performance choices.
  • Review your takes, select the best one, and note what worked and what could be improved.

Slate Creation and Presentation


To understand and practice the professional way of introducing yourself in audition tapes.


  • Record a slate stating your name, age (optional), and the role you're auditioning for.
  • Ensure the slate is clear, concise, and professional.Review and critique your presentation, demeanor, and clarity.

Submission Protocol Role-Play


Understand and practice the etiquette and requirements of submitting audition tapes.

Instructions: Recording Your Audition Tape:

Record a 1-2 minute monologue or scene relevant to your acting type or modeling presence. Ensure the recording follows all the guidelines discussed in the course, including lighting, sound, framing, and performance.

Editing Your Audition Tape:

Use basic video editing software to trim the beginning and end of your tape, ensuring a clean start and finish.If necessary, adjust the audio levels and lighting for a clear and professional look.Add a title slate at the beginning of your video with your name, the role you're auditioning for, and the date.

Exporting Your Video:

Export your video in the required file format and quality (see requirements below).Name your file according to the specified naming convention (see requirements below).Check the final video file size to ensure it meets the submission guidelines.Preparing Your Submission Email:

Draft an email to the casting director/agent (staff from StardomU - as if you are submitting your audition. Include a brief and professional message stating your intent, the role you're auditioning for, and any other relevant details or questions.Attach your audition video following the file requirements and any additional requested documents like a headshot or resume.

Requirements:Video File Format:

Preferred format: MP4 or MOV.

Resolution: 1080p or 720p.Frame rate: 24fps or 30fps

.File Naming Convention:

Name the file with the following structure: "RoleName_YourName_Date"Example: "Romeo_JohnDoe_20230115"

File Size:

Keep the file size under 100MB. If the file is too large, consider using a video compressor or lower the bitrate without compromising quality too much.Email Subject Line:

Use the following structure: "Audition Submission: [Role Name] - [Your Name]"Example: "Audition Submission: Romeo - John Doe"Email Body:

Greet the recipient professionally. Briefly introduce yourself and state the purpose of the email.Mention the role you are auditioning for and any other relevant information about the audition or your submission.Thank the recipient for considering your audition and provide your contact information for further communication.Sign off professionally.Additional Documents:

Attach a headshot with the file named "YourName_Headshot"


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