Robin Huston Miller

Robin Huston Miller


I am excited about modeling and acting. I enjoy being around people. I can travel. I also live at 1508 Wagon Wheel Road Elk Creek Va 24326 Now I have scars on my left forearm, neck, back, right foot from being hit by a 3rd offense drunk driver, I am a natural redhead with blue eyes, the picture you see is current and without makeup, I am a parent of 3 daughters who are grown and on their own now, I was a Medical Administrator and worked in the medical field, I love being in the country, have horse, love fishing, and I am married to a husband who is supportive and doesn't mind my traveling. Even though I will be 60 this year, people do not believe me when I tell them, they think I'm in my 40s then I have to show them my license for proof. I can do many things even act as a disabled person going through therapy or a person who was on pain medication and needed rehab to get off of them. I have experience with suicide, I have experience with depression and coming out of all of this on the other side happy and free from that nightmare. Please call for anything else and I will honestly let you know if I can do it or not. Thank you so much









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Hair Color:

Dark Brown 

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