Mikey Rut

Mikey Rut


Nice to meet ya. Names Mikey Rut. I'm a 100 percent authentic one of a kind human being, PERIOD. I believe that's the only true way to live in this world while we are in it. May as well be happy, right? That's why I'm authentic with life, people, my pursuits, as well as my thoughts. Now, when it comes to this acting thing. Call it a hunch. But I think this, THIS is what GOD wants me to get busy doing. I just feel it. I'm FINALLY in the place I need to be. I got my own story as we all do, not saying I'm special, just merely, UNIQUE. So, I work in the casino full time as a table games dealer, here in lovely Cleveland Ohio. I was actually just in my very first role as an actor extra in GENESIS. James Gunn is great, isn't he? WHAT AN AMAZING experience, to say the least. I felt TRULY BLESSED. I come from hard times, the mud, my mother raised us right, just, Daddy wasn't around, get it? So, I got a little Gangsta swag in me, but I'm not gonna hurt nobody. Lol.Lol. I loved acting since I was in the 4th grade, and we did a school play. It was called Barbara Walnut and 60 seconds. I was one of the guests being interviewed, by, Barbara Walnut. I was a gorilla, little Ol 5'7 me... a gorilla? My Grandmother, rest her soul, helped me memorize my lines. It was over spring break, and back in those days you got two weeks off. And believe me, the parents, Momma, or Daddy, pawned ya ass off to the elders...lol. They need a break to, don't they? So, Momma sent me to North Carolina, that's actually my birthplace, to spend time with Grandma. We studied and studied and practiced the lines over and over until I was just in her kitchen KILLING IT. So, I get on the stage, and maaaaaaan, I NAILED IT. But anyway, at the end of my skit, I jumped off the stage and ran all into the crowd of parents, students, guest, etc. and began improving gorilla actions. The entire ending was all improved to be honest. I was just WAAAAAY into character. It was AWSOME. My teacher Mrs. Pavlik, she was amazing by the way, turned to my mother and said, "Kathy, Michaels going to be a star one day." So, I've ALWAYS had the.... BUG, per say? I watch actors and I can see bad acting. I watch Denzel, and I can see the GREATNESS> I WANT this. IM READY. Oh, and I also started my own T-shirt business. An actual LLC company here in Cleveland. It's called INKcredible Appaprel Company. So, that's a little on Mr. Michael Rutledge. But again, please call me Mikey, cuz every other Michael goes by Mike, and I aint like every other Michael. Look forward to chasing down these dreams together. So, until we speak, which will hopefully be sooner than not, I say to you, CARPE DIEM.









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