Corryna Pettigrew

Corryna Pettigrew


I'm the 'wallflower' theatre kid that grew up. Living in a small town most of my life, there wasn't much else to do but to make art in any form. I'm a self proclaimed artist, I sketch, write poetry, paint, and occasionally write song lyrics. I really enjoy all forms of art, on all types of mediums. I've recently graduated from Records Recording Film Connections, and am currently writing a screenplay of my own. Of which, we (my group of close friends) have made a short film as a sort of trailer for the full film. The last play I participated in was a high school production of the Broadway play "Chicago" in 2010, my character was incarcerated and we did a number called the Jail block tango. I like to think I have a decent singing voice, and am quick to pick up on choreography. I'm good at pattern recognition and character immersion, and find it fairly easy to get into character and stay there. My preference for roles is small, background characters, or supportive roles. Other than acting, I enjoy the pre-production and post-production phases as well. I enjoy set design and prop making because they're more hands on and constant physical evidence of progress. I have an eye for timing with editing music videos and enjoy getting creative in the editing room. Some other everyday skills I learned in life-I know how to drive standard transmission, I regularly drive a Piaggio Vespa and am learning to shift on a motorcycle. I'm a stay at home Mom of 4 beautiful kiddos and my eldest just transcended into teen-hood.









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Dark Brown 

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