Bryan Walding

Bryan Walding


I am a divorced dad of 2 amazing daughters. I am an automotive tech by trade that can do anything with a car. Both of my daughters are grown, moved out, and married. They both joined the military also. I lived a rather messed up childhood. My dad passed away when I was in second grade and my mom couldn't deal with things. We lost our house and she moved us in with a gay man that molested me. We were taken away for a few years where i spent some time in a state home and the some foster families. I was beat severely and at one time was kicked out of a 2nd story window falling on the back of my head breaking my neck. My mom eventually got us back and as soon as the she could she moved us to Arlington Texas. I was in and out of trouble although I tried to stay out of trouble. I was very quite and for some reason that made other children mess with me. I got into a lot of fights and in 5th grade a 9th grader jumped me and i beat him so bad he had to have light plastic surgery. I got into trouble and was convicted for excessive force. I only received 1.5 years probation and had to go to a court appointed therapist. The therapist also took advantage of me sexually. I lived with RL during the summers from age 13-17 and did a small amount of modeling for him. At 17 I wanted to change my life and moved to Montana. I turned my life around and finished school. I worked at a wrecking yard and learned to be a mechanic. I then got a girl pregnant and married her. I raised my baby girls took them absolutely everywhere with me. For the most part it was just my girls and I. They were both raised around cars. Younger daughter built her first transmission when she was 7. My older daughter built her first truck when she was 16. We went drag racing most weekends and a lot of time at six flags. my older daughter went into the Navy and became an Master At Arms. My younger daughter joined the Army and became a Small Wheel Vehicle Mechanic. Now it's just my dog Jax and I. I own my own automotive shop and now wanting to adveture out more..... The last few years I've learned how to Texas Two-step. I've even started teaching people how to dance. In feb 2022 my fiance was driving to my house fell asleep and drove off the road killing her. I went looking for her after she was late and found her upside down in a creek. I pulled her out of the car and tried to revive her. When I realized she was gone I held her until the EMTs got there I have more that I can talk about but I'm stopping here









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