Adam Christopher Martinez

Adam Christopher Martinez


I am retired veteran and former athlete and competitive fighter. Now retired pursuing me and without any fear. I’ve been in various occupations since retiring. I am a former commercial truck driver d spent two years of my life as an owner operator of my rig. Traveling the country and dealing with healing from years of war turmoil. I’m now currently a project manager for a millwork company in Fort Worth Texas. My most cherished attribute is I am a father of six beautiful children. I have three sons and three daughters and my two middle children being twin (boy and girl). In addition a grandfather of two beautiful granddaughters. I am totally new to the industry with no experience but full of vigor. I value myself on being a person of integrity and selfless service. What pleases me most is helping and serving others. I’ve been a martial arts instructor for the department of defense for over 19 years. I’ve trained and competed in boxing, Muay Thai, Pradal Serei, Dutch Style Kickboxing, Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Included was intramurial boxing Coach and Program Director for the military that was associated with both USA Boxing and AIBA. That fed the World Class Athlete Program. In the Military Service I’ve been a Master Resilience Instructor and Victim Advocate for the military’s SHARP program. That specializes in assisting victims of Sexual Assault. If I have to sum up what makes me dynamic. Would have to be upbringing and life experiences. I grew up in a broken home and spent a large amount of my childhood years homeless. I’ve been raised in very tough streets of Albuquerque New Mexico. Like most young kids spent time associated in the ghetto and everything that comes with it. Capitalizing on moments found myself having an opportunity to join the military. Where my background caught to me. Found myself being escorted out in handcuffs and shackles as a former misfit. In front of the dozen other young adults who were about to swear into the military. By the grace of God was allowed to join cause a Judge gave me my chance. Being grateful I promised my country I’d serve until retirement. Which I’ve accomplished and have done so in some the most deadliest engagements that our soldiers have faced. As an infantrymen I’ve been awarded multiple decorations for acts of valor. I’ve suffered multiple injuries with the worst being a broken neck. As result of being in an engagement where me and my element were hit with a suicide vehicle explosive device. That contained over 2000lbs of homemade explosives. I continued serving not knowing I had a broken neck. Even fought my last professional fight and my only loss in 29 years. With a broken neck and against a tough fighter from the Turkey World Team. I’ve hurt people, I’ve lost people and I’ve been my biggest critic. Although being divorced from the woman of my dreams of over 22 years as her husband. I’ve learned to love and give and forgive. My favorite actor is Stallone (Sly in Rocky). So when I saw the casting call for Tulsa King. I took it as a sign and calling for me to accept in his (Stallones) words. That when you see your run way is half way gone. You’ll realize that time is something we don’t have an abundance of. It’s a reality I’ve seen in the eyes of young men who’ve died in my presence. A truth I’ve realized in losing my queen. I retired from the military during COVID and found myself homeless. When I became a trucker I was sleeping in my van. You want to see someone grow? Someone who’s fearless and not afraid to learn, fail or succeed. I ask for an opportunity to pursue this talent. I believe what separates me from most. Is I’m motivated by my pain and scars of life. I want to inspire those by projecting myself into a platform not to boast about fame or wealth. But to have the credibility so when I do get to speak to folks. It’s coming from a very real place! I’m 5’7 and can range from a weight of 150lbs to 225lbs being a master of weight and diet and cutting from being a fighter. I have long Apache Hair with a firm Chicano chin line! Often been referred to as intimidating by appearance. A horseman and Harley rider daily! I’m ready!









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