How to Become a Movie Extra: 4 Simple Steps to Getting Movie Extra Jobs

Published -

March 13, 2024

Becoming a movie extra is like getting a peek behind the curtain of the filmmaking world. It’s pretty cool to see how movies are made, and being an extra is a straightforward way to experience that. So, let’s chat about how you can become a part of that world, step by step, like you're learning to ride a bike—with a bit less falling over.

Getting the Idea

First up, movie extras are those folks you see in the background of movies and TV shows, making the scenes look real. They could be pretending to have coffee, walking through a park, or just hanging out. It’s all about filling up the space so the main actors don’t look like they’re living in a ghost town.

Getting Ready

Before you jump in, you’ll want to prep a couple of things:

  • Photos: Snap a couple of clear pictures of yourself. A selfie where we can see your face clearly and a full-body shot. These don’t need to be taken by a pro with a fancy camera; just make sure they’re recent and look like you.
  • A Simple Resume: Write up a little about yourself—how tall you are, the color of your hair, and any neat skills you might have. Even if you’re new to acting and your resume looks a bit sparse, that’s totally okay. Everyone starts somewhere.
  • Patience: Sometimes the days can be long, and you might spend a lot of time just waiting around. Bring a book, your phone, or something else to keep yourself entertained.

Finding Jobs

Now, let’s talk about where to find these extra jobs:

  • Social Media and Casting Calls: Follow some casting agencies and filmmakers on social media. They often post about looking for extras, especially when they need people quickly.
  • Local Casting Agencies: Do a quick search for casting agencies in your area. They sometimes have open calls where you can go and sign up to be an extra.
  • StardomU: We take on the challenge of discovering casting calls—your only task is to submit your application.

At the Casting Call

When you get the chance to go to a casting call, here’s how to make a good impression:

  • Be on Time: Being punctual is important. It shows you’re serious and respectful of everyone’s time.
  • Dress Appropriately: If they haven’t asked for a specific type of outfit, go with something simple and neutral. You’re aiming to blend into a scene, not stand out.
  • Be Nice and Professional: Filmmaking can be stressful, and showing that you’re easygoing and pleasant to work with will make you stand out—in a good way.

What Happens on Set

Landed a job? Awesome! Here’s a bit of what to expect:

  • Early Mornings: Film sets often start early, so make sure you’re ready to go and on time.
  • A Lot of Waiting: There will be quite a bit of downtime. This is a great time to catch up on reading or any other quiet activity.
  • Follow Directions: Pay attention to the crew and follow their directions. They’ll let you know what you need to do in the scene.
  • Enjoy the Moment: Despite the waiting, being on a film set is a unique experience. Take it all in and enjoy the process.

Keep Going

The more you work as an extra, the more people you’ll meet, and the more opportunities will come your way. Keep your resume updated, stay in touch with the contacts you make, and keep applying for more gigs.

Being a movie extra is a way to experience the world of filmmaking up close. It’s about seeing how movies are made, meeting new people, and having fun along the way. Who knows where it might lead? For now, though, the main thing is to enjoy the journey and the experiences that come with it.

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