“Welcome To Paradise” by Julie Marino

Happy Day! 🥳
Project Details
Contact Information
Casting Company
Raiders of Niagara
Casting Director(s)
Christine Coniglio
Casting Associate
Contact Email
General Details
Project Category
Audition Type

Evelyn, an active but lonely widow, thinks this may be her last solo trip to her Caribbean beach house before encroaching old age and interfering children dictate otherwise. Rory, a restless wanderer, is just looking for a warm, congenial pit stop. Taking up Evelyn’s offer of a place to stay a night, or maybe two, Rory finds himself feeling more and more at home at Evelyn’s place. She, meanwhile, is unexpectedly delighted to have an agreeable, helpful young companion. They both realize that their friendship is offering more than they thought. That is, until Evelyn’s suspicious and controlling overprotective son Greg, his stoic, long-suffering wife Trish, and Sydney their daughter who is a young adult and not happy to be dragged along on this surprise visit to grandma’s cottage. Welcome to Paradise subtly refutes the assumption that young and old people have nothing in common and can’t be friends or even soulmates.

Seeking talent from Tonawanda, NY; Buffalo, NY

Role: Rory

Rory is in 95% of the play. We are looking for a male actor with minimal conflicts for rehearsals. Which will begin September 9th.
Have to be ok with acting as if getting high and drinking.
Rory is a laid back, nomadic traveler with no particular place to go, and flimsy plans to meet some friends on another island.

Ethnicity: Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial

Role Details
Role Name
Role Type
Age Range
Role Ethnic Appearance
Southeast (USA)
Role Gender
Submission Deadline
September 9, 2024