Untitled A24 Feature Film, Young Zendaya
Casting an Untitled A24 feature film starring Zendaya.
Seeking talent nationwide (United States)
Roles paying up to $8,360.00
Role: Young Emma
Mixed Ethnicity girl of Black and caucasian heritage. Will be playing the younger version of Zendaya in the film. Should bear resemblance to a Young Zendaya and be or *look* 13-16 as the character is in high school. Young Emma is a troubled teenager growing up in a small suburb, craving acceptance and approval from her peers. However, when she feels excluded, her frustration turns into resentment. Though intelligent, she is misguided, often concealing her inner turmoil. On the surface, Emma seems fairly normal, but beneath the facade, she harbors peculiar fixations. **Open to both union and non union performers**
Ethnicity: Black / African Descent, Ethnically Ambiguous / Multiracial, Latino / Hispanic, White / European Descent
Required Media: Headshot/Photo