'Search Party'-Gary
Casting "Search Party." Synopsis: Set in the bustling street of New York City, "Search Party" is a fast paced, Boisterous, short film that captures the life of Mia, a fierce African-American model, whose identity is hijacked by an AI model.
Seeking talent from Brooklyn, NY; New York, NY; Los Angeles, CA
Roles paying up to $250.00
Role: Gary
A fast-talking, slick-haired man in his forties who works as MIA's agent; he is assertive, resourceful, and always on top of his game; though he sometimes comes across as brash, he genuinely cares for MIA and her career; Gary is quick to take action when faced with unexpected situations, such as the AI model controversy, and he relentlessly pursues answers for his clients; his loyalty and determination make him a valuable ally for MIA in the cutthroat world of modeling.